Tuesday, 22 May 2012

Summer Fun Times…and a few changes :)

Hello all!

This is a slight departure from my usual tech posts. As you can see I’ve decided to have a bit of a revamp, this blog will mainly be focused on my activities with Samsung as a Samsung Mob!ler. This summer you can expect to see posts on the new Galaxy S3, Samsung and their involvement in the London 2012 Olympics and finally you’ll be able to follow my journey around the UK as I visit four different cities with the Samsung Olympic Torch Festival Caravan!


But to also keep everyone up to date on the latest tech news and reviews I have created Grantechno! Here you can expect news and reviews on the latest mobile tech, games, and consoles. I’m also open to ideas for the new blog and any requests are welcome, I will do my best to accomodate them. To submit a request, please leave a comment on this post or head on over to the welcome and request post at Grantechno!

Finally, for all you avid blog readers out there, I will also be guest posting now and again on an awesome new site managed by the best Samsung Geeks out there. Head on over for a variety of different articles.

Thanks for reading

Stacey x

Monday, 14 May 2012

Samsung Hope Relay!!!

Anyone fancy a bit of running? Or cycling….or even walking? Basically Samsung have released an app ready for the olympics! ITS A FANTASTIC IDEA! The basic premise is for every mile you complete, Samsung will donate £1 to charity! HOW AWESOME IS THAT!?

You use the app to create your virtual runner (you put your face on another body) and they you’re ready to go! You can join teams to raise even more money and also keep a track of your stats too! A great way to improve your fitness Open-mouthed smile

So far I’ve tested the app out using my Samsung Galaxy Note and i’ve done a little running with it, cycling and I even used it while walking around Birmingham shopping for shoes, it tracks your progress via the gps in your phone. It’s very easy to wrack up the miles and it’s for such a good cause!

Once signed up you can also expect to see your face on Samsung’s Olympic Torch Relay caravan too….this is travelling all the way around the country and the app has a useful section telling you where you’ll be able to spot your face!

Anyway I’ve attached some pictures of the app, and if you have any more questions get in touch! I’m going to get running and raising some money, you should too!

The app is currently available for download on the Google Play store, and will be available on IOS soon.


Winking smile